Wow - I guess its been a while!
Not sure whether anyone is still visiting my blog anymore...but in case you do...finally, a new post!
There's definitely a renewed outlook that comes with obtaining a truly rewarding job.
When I started this blog, its purpose was to provide me with an outlet through which to vent my work-related frustrations. Although I tend to vent to my friends and loved ones as well, I know that they aren't interested in all of my nit-picky in comes the blog!
Despite how I may have made it sound in some stories, I liked my last position. I didn't love it. But it was interesting and I generally liked it.
In contrast, I can honestly say that I now LOVE my new position. And while my co-workers aren't perfect, the fact that I love what I do makes those imperfections seem much more tolerable. Hence the sudden decrease in posts.
Of course, nice summer weather also plays a role in luring one away from the I would imagine that I'll be more apt to sit at my desk to compose an occasional story once the weather turns unpleasant. I'm not much of a winter athlete.
So what's the purpose of this particular post? I'm not really sure. I guess just to touch base and announce that there actually is more to come....just in case there is anyone left who reads this and may have been wondering.