Paperclip Jungle

A collection of office rants...a glimpse at the adventures within my Land of Cubicles.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I Guess I'm "IT"

If you check out the comments for my last post, you’ll see that I’ve been “tagged” by Old Lady. At first, I didn’t have a clue what that was supposed to mean. But then I read her 9/6 post. And then I read the 9/4 post of A Cup of Coffey, who tagged her.

So in keeping the game rolling, I have tagged Ms. Pink Slip, Famous Potatoes, and Nick.

And below are the lists that I assume I am supposed to include, based on those other two tagged posts I read.

Three people who make me laugh:

  1. My boyfriend of 7 years
  2. My social worker friend I met in college
  3. Ray, from Everybody Loves Raymond

Three things I can do:

  1. Say “thank you” in 10 languages
  2. Belly dance (sort of)
  3. Bitch about work

Three things I can’t do:

  1. Cook
  2. Rollerblade
  3. See in the dark

Three things I’m doing right now:

  1. Typing this
  2. Wondering when my boyfriend will be home
  3. Drinking Pepsi

Three things I want to do before I die:

  1. Visit each continent (even Antarctica)
  2. Get my Ph.D. (this will still be a while yet)
  3. Skydive

Three things I hate the most:

  1. Bananas
  2. Animal cruelty (I’m with you on this, Old Lady)
  3. Crime

Three things that scare me:

  1. Driving in treacherous weather
  2. The potential rise of war and terrorism
  3. Bees

Three things I don’t understand:

  1. Quantum physics
  2. Cruelty
  3. Not recycling

Three skills I’d like to learn:

  1. Spanish fluency
  2. How to play drums
  3. How to play tennis well

Three ways to describe my personality:

  1. Persistent
  2. Creative
  3. Curious

Three things I think you should listen to:

  1. Daily news
  2. Logic
  3. The views of others

Things you should never listen to:

  1. Infomercials selling products that claim to make you rich
  2. Ann Coulter books
  3. Meatloaf (no offense intended for those who are fans)

Three favorite foods:

  1. Ice cream
  2. Quesadillas
  3. Cereal

Three beverages I drink regularly:

  1. Water
  2. Pepsi
  3. Juice

Three shows I watched as a kid:

  1. Smurfs
  2. Today’s Special
  3. Tom & Jerry

Blogs I’ve passed this on to (as mentioned above):

  1. Ms. Pink Slip
  2. Famous Potatoes
  3. Nick
Whew! If you managed to read all the way through this to the bottom, good for you...and thanks for hanging in there. This was a long one!


At 6:31 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Hey! Got it and done. Hope you're having a great weekend.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Cup said...

Cool list.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

How cool is this????????

I happened across your blog via my sister's blog -- Let's Talk Over Coffee -- where you left a comment. And I have been wondering and searching for how this business of "tagging" someone with a list or quiz or whaterver works!!! And here we are.....maybe you can fill me in!! Please, please, pretty please??!!!?

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...

I can relate/agree with most of your list but bananas? I've only known one other person who did not like bananas.

Quesadilla's? All day long! yum.

I'd also choose Pepsi over Coke.

Maybe I better start my own list.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger ps said...

thanks for reading! i hope to learn about the intricacies of the towel snap and provide a lesson on my blog soon. :)


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