Paperclip Jungle

A collection of office rants...a glimpse at the adventures within my Land of Cubicles.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Customer Service @ Circuit City

Because I've managed customer service functions, I've come to expect high quality customer service from other businesses. As a result, poor customer service is a major pet peeve of mine.

I'll be traveling and attending out-of-the-office meetings more often in my new position, so I am now in need of a laptop. To my surprise, I was given:
  • A list of specs the laptop must have
  • A wad of cash to make a purchase (or actually, the company credit card number and a budget)
  • The freedom to go buy the thing myself
This came as a surprise. In my previous position, our IT department took care of purchasing computers and laptops as needed...I had no influence over what was purchased. Now I'm being told that since this will be my computer, they want me to pick out something I like.

No objections here!

I started out by shopping online. In fact, I was on the verge of making my purchase from Dell, when I decided to visit a couple of retailers to check out their stock first.

I started with Best Buy and an office store. Associates at both places were quick to offer me assistance and talk me through the features. The fact that I was in the market for something more "high-end" seemed to stimulate their zeal.

Then I went to Circuit City. Not only did I need to track down someone to help me after spending quite a bit of time browsing, but it almost seemed as though I was inconveniencing the sales person who got stuck tending to me. To top things off, the guy eventually had to take a phone call and then never came back!

Fortunately, I had gathered enough information to make a decision.

Unfortunately, it appeared that my best bet was going to be a computer I had found at their store...although I carefully considered buying elsewhere out of spite.

After deciding to make the purchase, I had a hell of a time tracking someone down. At one point, a manager walked by...he didn't acknowledge me...but I flagged him down to let him know that I was ready to buy. And even then, it still took a while for a store employee to make their way over to me. Come on, I was making a sizeable purchase...the quality of service should have reflected that. But, it didn't.

Coincidentally, the same manager I encountered earlier happened to be around when I was checking out. Sensing my dissatisfaction (and probably noticing the total on the sale), he made a puny attempt to rectify the situation with flattery.

"Hey, thanks for being so patient earlier ma'am."

I responded with a confused and somewhat sarcastic look.

In retrospect, I now wish I would have said something witty in response. Perhaps something about my patience being long gone...or whatever. In fact, while typing this entry, I considered changing that part of the story to make myself sound more heroic. But I decided against it.

The point of this story: Customer service at Circuit City sucks.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I Guess I'm "IT"

If you check out the comments for my last post, you’ll see that I’ve been “tagged” by Old Lady. At first, I didn’t have a clue what that was supposed to mean. But then I read her 9/6 post. And then I read the 9/4 post of A Cup of Coffey, who tagged her.

So in keeping the game rolling, I have tagged Ms. Pink Slip, Famous Potatoes, and Nick.

And below are the lists that I assume I am supposed to include, based on those other two tagged posts I read.

Three people who make me laugh:

  1. My boyfriend of 7 years
  2. My social worker friend I met in college
  3. Ray, from Everybody Loves Raymond

Three things I can do:

  1. Say “thank you” in 10 languages
  2. Belly dance (sort of)
  3. Bitch about work

Three things I can’t do:

  1. Cook
  2. Rollerblade
  3. See in the dark

Three things I’m doing right now:

  1. Typing this
  2. Wondering when my boyfriend will be home
  3. Drinking Pepsi

Three things I want to do before I die:

  1. Visit each continent (even Antarctica)
  2. Get my Ph.D. (this will still be a while yet)
  3. Skydive

Three things I hate the most:

  1. Bananas
  2. Animal cruelty (I’m with you on this, Old Lady)
  3. Crime

Three things that scare me:

  1. Driving in treacherous weather
  2. The potential rise of war and terrorism
  3. Bees

Three things I don’t understand:

  1. Quantum physics
  2. Cruelty
  3. Not recycling

Three skills I’d like to learn:

  1. Spanish fluency
  2. How to play drums
  3. How to play tennis well

Three ways to describe my personality:

  1. Persistent
  2. Creative
  3. Curious

Three things I think you should listen to:

  1. Daily news
  2. Logic
  3. The views of others

Things you should never listen to:

  1. Infomercials selling products that claim to make you rich
  2. Ann Coulter books
  3. Meatloaf (no offense intended for those who are fans)

Three favorite foods:

  1. Ice cream
  2. Quesadillas
  3. Cereal

Three beverages I drink regularly:

  1. Water
  2. Pepsi
  3. Juice

Three shows I watched as a kid:

  1. Smurfs
  2. Today’s Special
  3. Tom & Jerry

Blogs I’ve passed this on to (as mentioned above):

  1. Ms. Pink Slip
  2. Famous Potatoes
  3. Nick
Whew! If you managed to read all the way through this to the bottom, good for you...and thanks for hanging in there. This was a long one!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Is This a Dis?

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have accepted a new position within the company. I've been working in this position for a few weeks now.

While I generally got along well with everyone on my previous staff, there was one supervisor in particular, Julie, with whom I had an especially good working relationship. We worked together productively, we were able to discuss issues candidly, and we seemed to connect well on a personal level. After difficult conversations, she would occasionally comment on how thankful she was to have a manager she could trust and be honest with. I genuinely believed that the feeling was mutual.

Of everyone in my group, she seemed to be the most upset about my changing positions. Shortly after the big announcement was made, she was quick to compliment me as a mentor and express her concern over what changes might take place after I leave.

Despite all this, it now seems that she is glad to have me out of her hair.

1. The day after I announced my departure, a couple folks within my group organized a going away bash for me at a local pub. Nearly everyone within my department was there...except for Julie...even though she had told everyone she planned to go.

2. Julie's birthday was a few days after I officially transferred. I stopped by the department twice that day to wish her a happy birthday, but she wasn't at her desk either time. Toward the end of the day, I left her card on her desk with a note. I never heard from her.

3. Nearly all of my former direct reports have stopped down at my new desk at some point to briefly say hi and see how things are going. I have not seen Julie.

4. Based on comments made in conversations with co-workers, I know for a fact that Julie has been at work every day.

Quite frankly, this really isn't a big deal. While I always felt we worked well together, we were never friends outside of work. It just strikes me as a bit odd. But perhaps I'm reading too much into the whole thing.

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