Paperclip Jungle

A collection of office rants...a glimpse at the adventures within my Land of Cubicles.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

He Sat In A Wet Seat!

This post takes a personal spin...but I really felt I had to share this ridiculous story!

I went to visit a friend from college last weekend, and we decided to go bar hopping. A few drinks into the night, we found ourselves at this trendy bar called HiJinx.

The two of us are standing near a side wall, just talking, when this guy comes over and stands with us. What's weird about it is that he stood there for a couple of minutes and said nothing while the two of us continued our conversation...occasionally shooting confused glances in his direction.

After a few minutes of this, my friend, Nicole, said, "Hi. Why are you here?"

Random Guy replied, "I just wanted to meet you two lovely ladies."

Nicole said, "Okay then, you have two options. Either stop being so creepy and introduce yourself...or leave. I suggest the latter."

Random Guy then proceeded to introduce himself and ask us a few questions about ourselves. The conversation was going nowhere...not to mention the fact that neither of us are actually on the market anyway...and that we haven't seen one another in ages, leaving much catching up to be I made a lame comment about needing to use the bathroom so the two of us could sneak away.

After a few minutes of hiding out in the restroom, my friend and I scurried across the bar and grabbed a booth. One side was dripping with spilled beer, so we sat together on the opposite side and picked up our conversation where we left off before Random Guy had appeared.

A few minutes later...he found us.

He started to slide into the seat across the booth, until he noticed that the seat was soaked. He then came over to our side and tried to squeeze in. I said, "Sorry. There's really not room over here."

Random Guy said, "C'mon. You wouldn't ask me to sit in this, would you?" as he gestured to the soaked seat.

Nicole said, "No. We're not asking you to sit at all." Then the two of us went back to our conversation.

So after a series of mini-events that should have indicated that he wasn't getting anywhere with us...he actually sat in the beer-soaked seat! He was cringing as he did so.

My friend and I giggled a bit, but continued to make no effort to include him. Eventually the poor guy got up and walked away...ass completely soaked.



At 1:29 PM, Blogger Bible Belt Muslimah said...

Hello there and thanks for commenting. I'm glad you did because I wouldn't have found your blog otherwise. Your anecdotes are amusing even to someone who's never worked in a cubicle maze (though I have used one of those magnetic paperclip dispensers to see how many clips I could stack end-to-end).

Anyhoo, I'll definitely be back for more entertainment. -Emily

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Mob said...

I don't know when 'persistent' swapped definitions with 'creepy' in the minds of a lot of guys, but damn, that's a very funny/sad story.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Nick said...

I have to agree that is very creepy.

At 11:55 PM, Blogger The very nice man said...

Well, I AM a bloke but I have to say that THIS guy would have freaked even me out. I hate nutters like that! They are the sortof people turning (or already having turned) into stalkers.


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