Paperclip Jungle

A collection of office rants...a glimpse at the adventures within my Land of Cubicles.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Have You Seen That H&R Block Commercial...

Have you seen that H&R Block commercial that focuses on the fact that if they make any mistakes when completing your taxes, they'll cover any fines that may be assessed as a result?

What the f*ck kind of commercial is that? If I hire someone to do a service that important and they screw it up, I would EXPECT that they would take responsibility for the error. How in the hell does this actually qualify as a "selling point" for the company? Should this really be viewed as a perk?

Talk about grasping at straws for some semblance of a competitive edge.

If you can't tell, that commercial annoys the hell out of me every time I see it.

And did you hear that they actually miscalculated their annual earnings that they had reported earlier in the year? They had to go back, recalculate, and announce a new figure. That's embarrassing...particularly for a company of their industry.

Maybe that's what inspired the idea for the commercial.


At 8:46 AM, Blogger Conqueress said...

This year my husband and I decided to try a private accounting firm instead of a box-it-sell-it place. Surprisingly, it only cost us $20 more to have the private place file than H&R Block charged last year, and we had TONS more line items this year.

I agree that "if we screw up we won't charge you" is a bad way to advertise, and note that you have to read the fine print because there are very few qualifying circumstances that qualify as "screw-ups".


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