Paperclip Jungle

A collection of office rants...a glimpse at the adventures within my Land of Cubicles.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

An "Inspirational" Leadership Quote...About Sperm?

I recently attended a leadership conference.

One of the last sessions of the conference was intended to be an uplifting "rah-rah" fest to get everyone excited. To inspire us to be charismatic leaders, we were each given a small card with about a dozen quotes that we could keep in our wallets and refer back to when we need a little encouragement.

The second quote on the card reads:
Think of sperm swimming upstream. For all but one of them it's going to be a very bad day.
~Howard Anderson



At 7:19 PM, Blogger MsPinkSlip said...

I'd file a sexual harassment complaint. Sperm and business don't mix.


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